The Importance of Mobile Friendly Websites


What makes a website a good website?

When designing a website, there are many key factors that need to be considered, such as consistency, colours, typography, imagery and functionality. A well-designed website can help build trust and guide visitors to take action. Creating a great user experience involves making sure your website design is optimised for usability, in other words, how easy is it to use. 

This is where mobile friendly or responsive website design and development comes in. More people are using their smartphones or other small devices to browse the web. In 2021, 56% of the global share of traffic came from mobile. It is important to consider building your website with a responsive layout, where your website can adjust to different screens.

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There are two interpretations of ‘FREE’ that could apply here. Oxford Dictionaries define them as:Normally, the meaning of ‘mobile-friendly’ is that your website performs well on a mobile device like a phone or tablet. However, you may also hear different terminology floating around like ‘responsive design’. Here’s a quick definition of each type of mobile site experience:

Mobile-friendly – A website that is essentially a tiny version of your regular website. There’s a lot of zooming, pinching and scrolling going on, but the site displays and functions.

Responsive design – This uses flexibly sized elements, controlled by style sheets, javascript and HTML, to fit the width of the screen viewing your site. No matter the size of the screen, the website is designed to look good and function efficiently.

What advantages do mobile websites have over regular websites?

1. Improved User Experience – Mobile websites are specifically designed to be easily accessed using smartphones. It improves user experience and satisfaction and creates a positive impression on the users.

2. Faster Download Speed – Mobile websites are designed as per mobile standards, resulting in faster browsing.

3. Brand Identity – Mobile websites can help you stand out from the crowd. These sites have many pros like usability, broad user reach, compatibility and findability.

4. Findability – Mobile websites are much easier for users to find because their pages can be displayed in search results and listed in industry-specific directories, making it easy for qualified visitors to find your website.

Great usability can improve the performance of your website and better your chances of increasing traffic to your site. It can also boost sales and revenue for your online shop. For a website to be successful, it should not only look good, but also provide an effortless user experience for visitors. This is why efficient usability is important.

Talk to us about your web development requirements, and we’ll do the hard part to ensure that every visual and interactive element of the website has been carefully mapped out to be mobile-friendly and responsive.

Esther Jacobs

Esther is a copywriting and content professional by trade, a conservation storyteller and aquaphile by heart, and the self-appointed guardian of the office “naughty jar” for any single-use plastic offenders. With over two decades of experience in communications, she crafts compelling stories by day and advocates for nature by... well, also day. Fun fact: she was once a finalist for Scotland’s Ambassador of Rock with Hard Rock Cafe.

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